Friday, 14 January 2011

Evaluation- Q3. How did you use media technologies in the construction and research planning and evaluation stages?

 These are some of the media technology that i've used during this project.

I used the website blogger to blog the process leading up to filming our music video, such as planning and research. Instead of just typing, i used other ways such as embedding videos. different types of fonts and sizes.

For the filming of the lip synch tutorial and the final edit for our music video we used brand new state of the art JVC cameras. We also had three memory cards where we saved our filming and pictures on.

Google was used for gathering information on the record companies when trying to obtain copyright permission to use the artist, Lilly Allen, song smile.I also used google to collect different types of flower patterns to help me design my digipak.

Youtube was used to look and analyse Lilly Allen's music video smile. I also used it to look at videos that may relate and have influence on our music an example was Rihanna's music video take a bow. I also researched the genre by typing it into youtube, also looking at recommendations on the side.

Photoshop CS4 was used to edit my advert for my artist, Amelia, album smile. At first I tried using a range of text and picture effects on the photo i was planning to use to make my advert. However when doing a trial and error i noticed that the effects i was adding did not match the type of genre i was trying to portray. Instead I used brightly coloured text and different font sizes and positioning to attract the buyers attention. Quark was used to make my digipak. I used a four panel although at first i found it difficult to use especially when trying to make the photos fit without stretching them. In the end, I found it easy to use and it helped me produce my digipak.

Final cut pro was used to edit our music video. We learnt new techniques such as using the razor tool. I found the razor tool hard to use, especially when trying to edit to the beat. We also used final cut pro to do digital  storyboard. 
We also used live type for the making of the digital storyboard.  

This is a screen shot from our music video whilst editing on photoshop. As well as using the razor tool which we was introduced to this year. We used other techniques learnt from last year such as putting effects in the actual video.

This is the use of effects in the video which we added whilst editing on photoshop.

This is our digital storyboard that we created with the help of final cut pro.

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