Friday, 21 January 2011

Evaluation Question 1

Our music video differs from its original as the original video contains illustration where the narrative is told where as our video is amplification as we introduce new meanings in our video. 

What influenced us from the original video was the ending as it ended with the artist smiling/ laughing. We have also included this in our video ending as it works very well with the song.  

We were also influenced by a different video of Lily Allen - LDN. In the video, the artist is clearly walking and dancing around in the street happily. This has worked very well in our video as the artist danced around the boy facing down on him. This expressed her strength and happiness, as the song was lively. 


Other videos that we were influenced by where Kate Nash- foundation, the part that influenced us was when she was singing directly into the camera with a close up on her face.  We have included this in our video, as it is a very effective way of expressing expression. In our video, Meltem, our artist sings directly in the camera from a low angle shot with an extreme close up on her face.  This was one of our best footage as it clearly showed her confidence and strength. 

Another video that influenced us was also from Kate Nash -Pumpkin Soup - which started off with the change of different footage with the beat of the song. Our video also starts of with various different shots, which change with the beat of the intro of the song.  

While producing our music video, we have tried to stick with Andrew Goodwin’s theory of pop music videos. The parts of the theory we have covered are 'Pop video uses the singer as both narrator and as the character '.  We have chosen our artist to be the main character as our video comes under amplification. We have also used his point of  'The singer often looks directly at the camera - which is an extension of (music hall) performance and an attempt to involve the viewer at home with the performance'. In our video the artist has good eye contact with the camera and to the audience. This shows the confidence and strength of our artist.

We have clearly shown the sexuality of our artist as she wears a beautiful summery dress, which brings her sexuality forward. However this is used to show the theme of the song 'happiness' rather then to please men, as there is not other footage of her sexuality brought forward.

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